Competition Details & Guidelines

At StarLand, we start each day at least 5 minutes early so that we can take time to say a prayer and perform our national anthem. Even if you do not have performances first thing in the morning, we invite you to join us before the program starts.

At StarLand, we do not perform on Sundays; however, if the number of performances exceeds what we can reasonably schedule for Saturday, we will schedule routines to run on Friday afternoon/evening.

Competition Details

By entering your studio and performances, you release StarLand Productions, LLC, its directors, staff, and facility in use from any and all claims of loss, damage, illness and/or injury.

  • Registration is available online. Links are available throughout our website or at
  • Registrations are due 21 days prior to the event.  Payment is due 14 days prior to the event.
  • At StarLand, we do not run performances beyond what we consider a reasonable hour. For this reason, some events may close entries before the registration deadline. If you are sure you are coming to an event and unable to register at that time, please contact us so that we can hold registrations for you.
  • We do not accept independent entries and each studio is required to bring at least two performing individuals.
  • There will be a $10 charge for any changes, additions, or deletions made after the schedule for an event has been released. If changes are made after the schedule is released, StarLand cannot guarantee the change will be reflected in the event’s program.
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Performances may be entered in either the Recreational, Advanced, or Elite levels. The Skills List, class/rehearsal hours, and number of performances should be used to determine the placement of your dancers.

If a student’s weekly combined class and rehearsal time is 4 or more hours per week OR if they are in 5 or more performances (including solos, duo/trios, and group numbers) they should be entered as Advanced or Elite.

Recreational Level
  • Single or Double Rotational Turns of any kind
  • Pas de Bourree’
  • Jete’
  • Arabesque
  • Chaine
  • Piqué
  • Leaps
  • Cartwheels
  • Limbers
  • Bridges
  • Single walkovers and handsprings
  • Flap ball change
  • Irish
  • Buffalo
  • Paradiddle
  • Single Time Steps
Advanced Level
  • Triple or more Rotational Turns of any kind
  • Double Jete’
  • Fouette’
  • Penche’
  • Switch leaps
  • Calypso
  • Wings
  • Shiggy Bops/Shovels
  • Intricate Rhythms
  • Double Time Steps
  • Multiple/Flying Walkovers
  • Multiple Handsprings
  • Aerials
  • Valdez
Elite Level
  • Same as advanced, but with the utmost control, technique, and showmanship for their age OR
  • More advanced and fluid  transitions with advanced choreographic elements OR
  • Pre-professional dancer, team, and/or sponsor studio

It is the responsibility of the Director/Teacher to select the appropriate level for a dancer. Directors/teachers cannot use experiences at other competitions to place dancers, they must use StarLand’s criteria.  Performances that are obviously under-placed will be moved at the discretion and unanimous decision of our judges.  Any issues with another studio’s placement should be brought to the attention of the Tabulator or Stage Manager who will then address it with the judges who have the final decision.  Any issues regarding placement should NEVER be vocalized with another studio, its performers, or parents.

A performance will be automatically bumped up to the next level if 50% or more of the performers are in a higher level.  Any performance which includes an Elite dancer or dancers cannot be entered in the Recreational Level.  StarLand reserves the right to combine levels if necessary in the spirit of competition.

  • Acrobatic*,
  • Ballet,
  • Character,
  • Clogging,
  • Contemporary,
  • Hip-Hop,
  • Jazz,
  • Liturgical,
  • Lyrical,
  • Musical Theatre,
  • Open**,
  • Pointe,
  • Pro-Am***,
  • Tap

*No acrobatic tricks are allowed in Ballet or Pointe. All other categories are limited to 3 acrobatic tricks or they must be entered in the Acrobatic Category. An acrobatic trick is defined as any movement that passes through or stops at a fully inverted position with both feet off the floor.

**Open Category includes those numbers which combine more than one style of dance and/or contain more than three acrobatic tricks. Unlimited tricks are allowed only in the Acrobatic and Open categories.

***Pro-Am Category includes any performance than has an instructor participating (regardless of age). Pro-Am performances are not eligible for Overalls or High Scores, but will be adjudicated.

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All ages are determined as of the first Regional event of the season.

For 2023, this date is March 2. For performances with more than one performer, the average age determines the age division; however, a performance cannot enter an Age Group more than one Age Group below the oldest performer. When calculating the average age, decimals will be dropped.

The Age Groups are:

  • Mini (6 years old or less)
  • Petite (7-8 years old)
  • Junior (9-10 years old)
  • Pre-Teen (11-12 years old)
  • Teen (13-15 years old)
  • Senior (16-19 years old)
  • Adult (20+ years old)
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  • Solo & Duo/Trio – three (3) minutes.
  • Small Groups (4-9 performers) – four (4) minutes.
  • Large Groups (10-17 performers) – four (4) minutes.
  • Extra Large Groups and Productions (18+ performers) – nine (9) minutes.  18+ performers

There is a $10 charge for routines that exceed the time limit for that division.

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All events are adjudicated and performances will be judged by a panel of three (3) judges who are also dance professionals. All entries will be judged based on a 300-point system (100 points from each judge). Judging is based on Technique (40 points), Showmanship (30 points), Execution (20 points), Choreography (5 points), and Difficulty (5 points).

  • Execution refers to how well the performers executed the choreographer’s vision.
  • Difficulty refers to the choreography being challenging or simple based on the age and level of the dancer(s)


  • Diamond = 290-300
  • Platinum = 280-289.99
  • Gold = 270-279.99
  • Silver = Less than 269.99


  • Diamond = 285-300
  • Platinum = 270-284.99
  • Gold = 255-269.99
  • Silver = less than 254.99


  • Diamond = 280-300
  • Platinum = 260-279.99
  • Gold = 240-259.99
  • Silver = Less than 239.99

The judge’s decisions are final.

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  • Every performer will receive at least one award for each performance for which they participate.
  • Each performer in a solo, duo, or trio will receive an adjudication award.  Groups will receive one adjudication award for the routine; in addition, each performer will receive an award pin.
  • First, Second, and Third Overall awards are given in each Division, based on Age Group and Level (i.e. Recreational Junior Solos, Advanced Junior Duo/Trio, Elite Teen Small Group, etc.) and also based on the number of entrants.  Additional overall placements will be listed in the Results page of each event.
  • High Scores of the Day are also recognized and awarded a scholarship to StarLand’s All-American Finals. High Scores of the Day are awarded at each level and for Solo, Duo/Trio, Small Group, Large Group, and Extra Large Group/Production. StarLand reserves the right to reduce or increase the number of High Scores awarded based on entries in the particular Division/Level. Scholarships awarded for High Scores of the Day are awarded to the Studio.
  • If a tie in scoring occurs, the tie will first be broken based on Technique scores. If a tie still exists, it will be broken based on Stage Presence scores, Choreography, and then Costuming. In the case a tie still exists, the judges will make the final decision.
    Incomplete performances will be eligible to perform a second time when the performance schedule allows, but will be for adjudication only and will not be eligible for Overalls or High Scores (unless due to circumstances beyond the performer’s control).
  • Judges reserve the right to move entries to the proper level or category.
  • We award and recognize the Most Entertaining and Best Choreography performances for Recreational and Advanced/Elite levels. These are chosen by the StarLand judges.
  • The Shooting Star award is a rare and prestigious award. It will not be awarded at every competition. The winner of this award will be presented after we announce the high score awards for each category. The Shooting Star recipient must have received a nearly perfect score from our StarLand judges.
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  1. FAMILY-FRIENDLY ENVIRONMENT: First and foremost, StarLand Productions insists on producing a family-friendly, entertaining, and educational event for your students. Anyone acting (whether verbally or physically) to the detriment of this goal will be kindly escorted from the facility.
  2. PHOTO/VIDEO:  Your entry includes access to StarLand Media (professional photos and video of your performances).  The StarLand Media team is responsible for all photos and videos of performances.  In order to ensure the safety of the performers and know who and what is being photographed and videoed, we must prohibit all videotaping and photography during performances.  Photos and video are allowed during awards ceremonies.
  3. MUSIC: Please upload your music as soon as possible. Music can be uploaded up to 4 days prior to the event. You should ALWAYS have backups on the day of the event. If you plan to use CD as your backup media, you may place all music on one CD as long as there is a detailed and accurate track list provided. No refunds will be given due to improper music. Due to licensing issues, uploaded music must be in .mp3 format. Simply renaming a file is not sufficient and will result in an unusable file. Uploaded music that is not in .mp3 form MUST be converted to .mp3, not simply renamed. StarLand is not responsible for incorrectly uploaded music.
  4. CANCELLATIONS:  We understand that unexpected circumstances arise due to injury, emergencies, etc.; therefore, in certain situations we will refund entry fees for up to two (2) performers per studio (minus any credit card fees and the $10 change fee).  In the event of an event cancellation for any other reason and beyond the control of StarLand Productions (weather, act of God, etc.), the event will be rescheduled and entry fees applied to the new event date.  No refunds will be given unless an event is cancelled by StarLand Productions due to lack of performances.
  5. READY TO DANCE: We tend to run ahead of schedule. Performers should be ready to compete at least 1 hour ahead of their scheduled performance time. We require check-in with the Stage Manager at least three (3) performances prior to your scheduled stage time. Performances causing unwarranted delays may be subject to point deductions. All individuals associated with your studio should be advised that our Awards Ceremony almost always starts ahead of schedule.  Please inform your students, teachers, parents, and spectators that Performances and Awards Ceremony can run as much as 1 hour ahead of schedule.
  6. PROPS: Props must be easily moved and assembled without disrupting the competition. Loading bays are not always available, therefore all props/pieces must fit through a standard sized 36″ door. StarLand is not responsible for props that cannot fit through a standard 36” door and refunds will not be given if the prop is not available. Fire, water, glitter, powder, or anything that marks the stage is prohibited. Center stage will be marked by StarLand.
  7. COACHING: Coaching during performances is not allowed.
  8. IT’S ABOUT THE CHILDREN: All performers, teachers, and guests are expected to display good sportsmanlike conduct to ALL students. This is their time and we must all work together to make this a fun and memorable experience for them.
  9. SCORING AND CRITIQUES: Scores and judge’s critiques may be accessed by the Studio Owner/Direct through their DanceCompGenie account within 48 hours after the event. We always strive to have these uploaded and available within a few hours after the event; however, Internet access/speed may delay this process.
  10. MISCELLANEOUS: StarLand Productions and the facility are NOT responsible for personal injury or property loss. All participants give StarLand Productions the right to use their photo or video for any advertising or media campaign. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the facility. Eating or drinking is NOT allowed anywhere in the competition area, unless otherwise noted. Although unenforceable, etiquette dictates that owners, teachers, and parents should refrain from recruiting and/or speaking ill of other studios, teachers, parents, and especially performers.
  11. StarLand Productions reserves the right to change competition schedules or locations (within 2 hours of the original scheduled location).
  12. StarLand Productions reserves the right to deem any performance as inappropriate or not “Family Friendly”, which may result in point deduction, immediate performance interruption and/or disqualification.
  13. There will be a $50 charge for all returned checks.
  14. Certain exceptions to rules can be made as long as:
    1. They continue with the spirit in which the rule was written, and
    2. It is approved by the StarLand staff prior to receiving entry forms.
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Auditoriums are high-energy places and students, teachers, parents, friends are always excited to see great performances. At times, we can forget where we are and what is going on around us, but please be mindful of typical auditorium etiquette.

  • Please wait until a performance is over to take your seat or walk about the auditorium. Although the stage is bright and the audience dark, the performers can still see shadows and movement in the auditorium, which can be distracting.
  • Please refrain from talking during performances as this can be distracting to the dancers and those around you.
  • If you are playing a game or listening to music or videos on an electronic device, please use headphones. The judges need to be able to hear and concentrate on the performance and those around you are undoubtedly trying to absorb the music related to the performance on stage.
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